LegalE cover img 1
Designing a website for a company that is digitally transforming legal management.
Designing a custom website that is engaging and informative for LegalE. They are a company that is digitally transforming legal management processes and services.

To design an engaging, informative, practical and easy to navigate website for  LegalE.  

LegalE Challenge Rezonant UX UI Project


The UI/UX team began by doing benchmarking. The team analysed the client’s competitors. We used the custom iconography we created for the brand and incorporated the icons and brand language we created for them in the website. Following this, a rough wireframe was created. 

Logo wall
LegalE CS 23
Logo colour variations
Wireframe sketches
Use of custom iconography
Wireframe sketches


LegalE Sitemap Final 1
LegalE sitemap

“The design team created custom iconography as brand language and it was used throughout the website.”

LegalE CS 24
Custom icons for LegalE
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LegalE mnumonic


After receiving inputs from the client, we refined and finalised the wireframe. We wanted to showcase the unique features and functions the client provides to its consumers.

LegalE homescreen

Rezonant created and scripted an introductory video for the client. We emphasised how LegalE is at the forefront of revolutionising the legal management sector by bringing it to the digital front. 


“We highlighted how through digital transformation LegalE can simplify all legal management processes.” 


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LegalE homepage

A step by step breakdown of going digital on LegalE

Using advanced technology and AI, LegalE has eased the process and eliminated the number of physical drafts required. By simply scanning the document and uploading it you can access the document anytime anywhere. You can also share the document securely and collaborate with clients on the go.

How it works GIF
LegalE product tutorial

About LegalE

LegalE identified the various challenges and areas of struggle when working with physical files and important documents. LegalE goes in-depth into how they are resolving such challenges and using advanced technology to improve legal management.

“LegalE provides solutions to lawyers, law firms and litigants alike to help them simplify their legal needs and practices.”

About LegalE 2
About LegalE

Consumers of LegalE

LegalE provides various solutions to different consumers like lawyers, law firms, individual litigants and corporate litigants. By providing a space for having a virtual library for cases, a secure platform to share documents, chat features, reminders for hearings, and an easy to track billing system; they help ease the process of the legal function, storage of documents and management.

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Solutions by LegalE
Legale solutions
LegalE solutions
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LegalE features

Features LegalE provides to ease digital transformation

With a vision to transform legal management and bring it to the digital front, LegalE provides features to accommodate various requirements. From case data management and reminders of court dates; to being able to get analytics on time spent on each case, templates for drafting notices and scanning documents in bulk and share them securely.

LegalE also provides research features that help research various cases, laws and judgements. Along with their billing features, you can automate payment reminders, generate invoices and keep track of all payments. 

LegalE features 1
LegalE various features

Our AI

“We are using Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence to provide practical solutions to the legal fraternity.”

LegalE developed an AI that is able to scan documents from the cloud and crawls the e-court website to get updated information and data points about a case.

Legale Our AI
LegalE AI


The website attracted a lot of potential customers and clients and its easy to use interface and integrated AI eased the search process and received appreciation.

Laptop on table