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REVA’s epic prospectus: Showcasing vibrant culture through stories of 15,000 students
Learn how Rezonant designed Reva’s epic prospectus through storytelling.
A mammoth task
Designing REVA’s prospectus, as exciting as it was, it was also a daunting task to begin with. Some of the questions in our heads were:
- How do we represent 15,000 REVA people in an authentic way?
- How do we ensure that the right stories are told?
- How do we create a book of international standards?
- And most importantly, how do we do establish their employer brand, in a world that has gone into a complete lockdown?

An exercise in ‘Zoom’-ing for REVA students
As all the REVA faculty members, students and even our team were all sheltering the pandemic at home, we had to adjust our plans accordingly. We created comprehensive surveys and engaged in numerous online interviews to create our content bank for building their employer brand identity and complete our research.

A show and not tell approach for REVA'S culture
The purpose was to create a brand book for REVA that transports the reader’s mind and allows them to fully experience the environment rather than merely describing it. How did we manage to do that? By incorporating stories from students, alumni and faculty. Know more about the power storytelling here.

Visual Language

Colour palette and typography
Orange, black and white was the choice of primary colours for REVA colour palette – used to evoke feelings of happiness, optimism and energy. We used yellow to highlight the text.
We used a classy Serif font called Prata and combined it with a contemporary Sans Serif font called Aleo.

The power of imagery
We used journalistic imagery instead of picture-perfect, studio images to showcase the life at REVA as it really is.
We used spontaneous and genuine shots of REVA students in their natural habitat that captured the authentic atmosphere of the scene. We also managed to get the students to send in pictures of themselves by sharing detailed guidelines of what we needed.

Creating visual harmony

We made the book captivating through vivid illustrations, original page layouts, and personal storytelling
Each chapter in the brand book is laid out differently, focusing strongly on typography and visual clarity.
And in the end…
Response on the new prospectus was overwhelmingly positive, with both the client and students extremely pleased. The book brought a personal aspect with genuine stories, aligning with the goal of showcasing the world-class amenities of REVA University. Check our other employer branding projects here.

One of our key requirements in developing a brand voice was a collaborative approach, involving a wide-range of stakeholders from students to alumni and faculty. The final product is a testament to Rezonant’s ability to push boundaries in creativity. It showcases the full breadth of their problem solving even during a pandemic.
Dr. Vidhya