Bringing 3 brands together in 1 book – The REA India Culture Book
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REA India – A new entity formed from the acquisition of and needed a deep and powerful employer branding strategy. We create a culture book to bring the culture together and celebrate it with its people.

The challenge for Rezonant Design was to create a vibrant and captivating culture book for REA India that encompassed the unique people and stories of Proptiger and Housing while showcasing a unity in culture as REA India. The book needed to serve as an employee handbook as well as a  powerful tool to attract top talent. 

REA Culture Book Challenge scaled
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To ensure the authenticity and depth of insights in the culture book, Rezonant Design conducted extensive research. This involved interviewing a diverse range of employees from Proptiger, Housing, and even some from REA Global Australia. The research aimed to capture their experiences, perspectives, and the essence of the organizational cultures.

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Key findings from the research included:

  • The importance of a vibrant and inclusive culture in attracting and retaining top talent.
  • The need to showcase the unique aspects of Proptiger, Housing, and REA Global while unifying them under the REA India entity.
  • The desire to create a book that was engaging, visually appealing, and celebrated the people and culture of the organization.


Leveraging the research insights, Rezonant Design embarked on designing a culture book that would reflect the dynamic and fun nature of REA India. The book was created as a vibrant and colorful magazine-style publication, ensuring an engaging reading experience.

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REA India  TA Deck June 17.001

Colour and Typography

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PropTiger Colour & Type Palette
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Housing Colour & Type Palette

The design elements of the culture book included:

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Real imagery: All images used in the book were from carefully planned and produced photoshoots, showcasing real employees, workspaces, and cultural events.

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Illustrations: The book incorporated lively and expressive illustrations, adding a touch of playfulness and creativity.

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Bold typography: The typography choices were bold and eye-catching, contributing to the energetic and modern visual identity of the book.

Detailed insights: The book featured in-depth interviews and anecdotes from leaders and employees, providing a personal and relatable perspective on the organization’s culture.

Creating the Culture Book

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Culture book sketches
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Culture book sketches
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Culture book sketches

“A culture book is a great tool to welcome new employees and tell them about the company’s story.”

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The REA India Culture Book achieved several impactful outcomes. The book showcased the vibrant cultures of Proptiger, Housing, and REA Global while presenting a unified face for REA India, fostering pride among employees. The magazine-style format and visually appealing design made the book an engaging resource for employees, providing guidance on policies, processes, and values.

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REA Culture Book Impact 1

Distributed during the interview process, the book impressed prospective employees with its comprehensive view of the organization’s culture, enhancing the employer brand and attracting top talent.

By encapsulating Proptiger, Housing, and REA Global within REA India, the book fostered unity and collaboration among employees, solidifying the organizational identity.