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Rezonant presentS

War of ideas to find the ultimate      brand identity


BAE aims to help brand’s understand their brand personality, their tone and how to effectively communicate with their audience.


The Brand Archetypes Experience or BAE is a program initiated by Rezonant. We have researched a lot and come to the conclusion on how brand archetypes facilitate quick and easy understanding of the brand’s personality. This workshop is curated by professionals with over 2 decades of experience.

Learn more about our


About the program

We wanted to explore how the program could function in the spectrum of Indian brands. Through stories and characters from the Mahabharata, we help the brands understand their tone and facilitate tangible decision making.

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Why this program

This program helps brands understand their positioning, competitors and what their style of communication should look like. It helps create consistency throughout the brand and helps connect to the right audience and consumers.


Why we do this

Over the years, managers have tried to find the right tone of communication and personality for their brand. We wanted to bring in a formal structure. BAE workshop will ease the process of communication, create effective consistency and build strong customer relationships.

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About the program

We wanted to explore how the program could function in the spectrum of Indian brands. Through stories and characters from the Mahabharata, we help the brands understand their tone and facilitate tangible decision making.

01 About illustration


Why this program

This program helps brands understand their positioning, competitors and what their style of communication should look like. It helps create consistency throughout the brand and helps connect to the right audience and consumers.

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Why we do this

Over the years, managers have tried to find the right tone of communication and personality for their brand. We wanted to  bring in a formal structure. BAE workshop will ease the process of communication, create effective consistency and build strong customer relationships.

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The Mahabharata is considered to be a compendium of human personality and emotion. Characters, stories, situations and relationships in the Mahabharata have been re-created by story-tellers for centuries now. After months of research, and several acrimonious deliberations sometimes lasting weeks, our teams came up with a matrix that mapped 12 characters in the Mahabharata to the 12 archetypes.

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The not so 

‘महा’ workshop

The 90-minute Brand Archetypes Experience Workshop is designed with engaging exercises that help you discover your brand’s true personality, er, if you haven’t figured it out already.

Sign up for the workshop

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And then there is the 

free book!

There, we got your attention finally. We are giving away our prized possession for free, so that millions (ok, so a few zeros less) can benefit from the learnings from the Mahabharata. All you need to do is like our Linkedin page (what’s the harm in a little click after all) in exchange for an epic, literally.

Booklet mockup2

And then 

there is the

free book!

There, we got your attention finally. We are giving away our prized possession for free, so that millions (ok, so a few zeros less) can benefit from the learnings from the Mahabharata. All you need to do is like our Linkedin page (what’s the harm in a little click after all) in exchange for an epic, literally.

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Follow our social media accounts for updates on this program and more.

Karna Explorer 2

Find which archetype your brand falls under by attending the uniquely curated 90-minute workshop by Rezonant.

Learn more about our

Follow us

Follow our social media accounts for updates on this program and more.

Karna Explorer 2

Find which archetype your brand falls under by attending the uniquely curated 90-minute workshop by Rezonant.

Learn more 

about our