A real estate brochure for innovative 2 in 1 homes
Real Estate DivyaSree Doublement Brochure Headder
This real estate brochure for a project with a 2 in 1 home proposition, was designed as 2 brochures in 1 format. You could read it from the front and back both.

To create an innovative print design concept that showcased the new concept of twin homes by DivyaSree, one of India’s prominent developers. These homes were a new experiment in the market, so this real estate brochure had to effectively convert prospects into warm leads.

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The cover from the front side
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And from the back side


We articulated the target audience by targeting joint families that wished to enjoy the nuclear lifestyle. The concept of two homes attached to each other would help two generations stay near, yet stay nuclear. The concept of the twin real estate brochure evolved from this core value proposition.

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Real Estate DivyaSree Doublement Brochure Research Mobile View
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The concept of a twin brochure that could be read from both sides was easier said that done. To get this printed properly, we studied the possibilities through several pre-production mockups.

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A twin real estate brochure

Along with the print and publication design, we improved the information design by enhancing the plans, something which we help do on all real estate engagements, and working with the architects to come up with isometric views.

One of Asia’s best printers, Pragati Offset from Hyderabad helped execute this idea.

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Two homes in two colors
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Isometric views
real estate brochure


The brochure helped explain the features to customers successfully. Customers were pleasantly surprised at the format.

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